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ADSI, Kaduna Chapter, leads in the sanity of Arewa

“Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven.” Donald Lyn Frost   Drug abuse stands out as one of the major vices in our days. Addicts stand a plethora of risk, ranging from suicidal thoughts, erectile dysfunction, dementia, to mental instability. It is quite chilling that notwithstanding the adverse effects of drug abuse, the rate […]

ADSI’s intervention in Nasarawa empowers 65 vulnerable people

“Schooling doesn’t assure employment but skill does.” Amit Kalantri ADSI believes that our future, as a region, is the outcome of our action today. This means that we have to be deliberate with the choices we make every day. It is in line with this that the Nasarawa Chapter of our NGO acknowledges an area […]

ADSI, Kano Chapter, offers over 30 youths a means of livelihood

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill At the artery of effective and sustainable interventions, is the focus on building the capacity for self-reliance. Giving an individual a skill, with which a means of livelihood can be obtained, is akin to giving that […]

ADSI empowers Borno women and youths

In line with its focal mandate in empowering women and youths with employable skills for self-reliance and the possibilities of financial independence, ADSI reached out to women and youths in Borno State with a skill acquisition program targeted at two important skills: pasta production and solar panel installation. The program, held from 15th of February […]

An ADSIAN breaks records in Brunel University, London

The silence of northern Nigerians is entrenched in their culture of simplicity and humility. It is so unlike an arewan to blow their trumpet, even when such is highly justified. This explains why one of the most recent PhD holders in Computer Science, from Brunel University, London, Dr. Nura Tijjani Abubakar, is relatively unknown. For […]

ADSI blazes the trail in the implementation of some SDGs in Bauchi

ADSI’s commitment to transforming the plight of northern Nigerians is profound. One of northern Nigeria’s challenges is insecurity and insurgency.  The challenges posed by insurgency, for instance, are multifaceted. They range from the carnage of lives and properties to a total robbery of hope. This explains why in Rundi Bin Shuwa, a settlement for internally […]

The movement that changes a society for good

Our universe, from age to age, is engulfed in a revolution. At the artery of almost every revolution is the overwhelming hunger for a breath of fresh air. Humanity, once suffocating in a system that has become moribund, seeks some kind of freedom from that system. The aftermath of the quest for something new, thus […]