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ADSI, Kaduna Chapter, leads in the sanity of Arewa

Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven.

Donald Lyn Frost


Drug abuse stands out as one of the major vices in our days. Addicts stand a plethora of risk, ranging from suicidal thoughts, erectile dysfunction, dementia, to mental instability. It is quite chilling that notwithstanding the adverse effects of drug abuse, the rate of drug abuse is at an all-time high, throughout the world.

A report by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), reveals that 40% of Nigerian youths, aged 18 to 35, are deeply involved in drug abuse. North Western Nigeria closely follows the South-West in the statistics on drug abuse. The aftermath of this misnomer has torn apart many homes. It has cut short many dreams. It has swallowed up young and promising men and women in the prime of their lives. Many marriages have broken apart because of this.

To contain the spread of this social virus, ADSI, Kaduna Chapter, in collaboration with key stakeholders, staged a drug awareness campaign, which featured profound talks and lectures on the inimical effects of drug abuse. The event, which held on the 27th, December, 2021, at Arewa House, Kaduna, drew participants from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State University, Kaduna Polytechnic, De Noble Scholars Secondary School, Government Secondary School, Banarwa, Jami’ Yar Matan Arewa Secondary School, Command Secondary School, and some young men and from different communities in Kaduna.

Our very own quintessential ADSIAN, Dr Zainab Muhammad- Idris Kwaru, gave a sweeping talk on the negative medical implications of drug abuse. Picking up from where she left off, Brig Gen. Muhammad Kabir Galadanci, delivered an insightful lecture on the social implication of drug abuse. The eye-opening talk and lecture forewarned the participants on the dangerous outcomes of the social monster that seeks to destroy the lives of many young Arewans.

ADSI’s President, Haj. Khuraira Musa and a trustee, Bar. Zainab Magaji, delivering their good will messages and remarks via zoom, called on the youths, being the hope of Arewa, to resist and fight the temptation to give in to drug abuse, given the fact that their future, joy and happiness, all depend on the sanity of their minds.

The well-attended campaign, tagged: Drop the drug, drew in stakeholders from the media, CSOs and other NGOs. Given the significance of the event, the participants, during the interactions that followed the talks and lecture, called on ADSI to scale up the campaign to reach more youths, thus guaranteeing a beautiful future for Arewa.

Responding, Engr. Abdullahi Hussaini, ADSI, Kaduna State Coordinator, promised that going forward, ADSI, will in collaboration with the youth arm of the organization, organize more campaigns to discourage drug abuse across northern Nigeria and beyond.

There is no denying the fact that when a region’s youth is trapped in the vicious cycle of drug abuse, every hope for the future is lost. The addictive nature of drug abuse, worsened by the social and medical aftershocks, makes it mandatory for ADSI to spawn an intervention that attacks the issue at its roots, expose young people to the implications of the damning path and support them to lead a sane life, thus building a region peopled by young men and women with a high sense of self-control, which enhances the possibilities of thoughtful leadership and choices, aimed at building a strong Arewa.

This intervention, amongst many others, earns ADSI a place of pride in Arewa’s archives of its rise to meaning, impact and global relevance. Join ADSI today and make Arewa, great!



Pokyes Kavwam
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