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The movement that changes a society for good

Our universe, from age to age, is engulfed in a revolution. At the artery of almost every revolution is the overwhelming hunger for a breath of fresh air. Humanity, once suffocating in a system that has become moribund, seeks some kind of freedom from that system. The aftermath of the quest for something new, thus becomes the brainchild of movements. From the Arab Spring, the Asian Tigers to Black Lives Matter, amongst a litany of several others, movements of all kinds. Some of these movements have failed woefully, and some have succeeded remarkably, positively transforming our understanding of the human spirit. The successful ones enrich humanity; dazzling on the tar of our shared human trajectory, as reminders of the inspiring possibilities of humankind.

One notes that the movement that changes humanity or a society, alludes to the timeless virtues of our ecosystem. By timeless virtues, I mean those intrinsic components of humanity that know no creed, language or race. A movement, therefore, holds high prospects of success, if the tenets of its operation are in synch with compassion, selflessness, empathy and hope. This is why the vision of Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI) is quite exciting. ADSI’s commitment to timeless virtues, walking the talk on progressive ideas, colours our experience as a region with the lighthouse of hope.

Since its inception in April 2019, it has been consistent in getting people off the streets of joblessness, crimes and other vices that have stripped Northern Nigeria of its past glory, through skill acquisition and mentoring. Beginning with a seed fund in integrity and dignity, Khuraira Musa, the Founder and President of ADSI, reached out to like minds who knew her for her integrity and dignity. Once accepted amongst her network of friends, it became easier to bring in members who shared the same vision of giving back to the region. With a monthly financial contribution of N2000 and above from each member, ADSI began reaching out to communities in northern Nigeria.

Starting from Zamfara and Benue with a medical outreach, which paid the hospital bills of several patients, ADSI progressed to Kaduna with skill acquisition programs. To date, the NGO has bankrolled several trainings and seminars, geared towards the empowerment of northern Nigerians. In over 13 states, skill acquisition programs have been done in shoe making, greenhouse farming, tailoring, bead making, electrical work, installation of solar panels, just to mention a few, among a plethora of other vocational skills, which have secured a means of livelihood for hundreds of northern Nigerians. Similarly, in its response to social needs, it has charitably reached out to primary school pupils with school supplies. In the FCT, Abuja, ADSI gave out welfare packages in an outreach to people living with disabilities.

The major reasons ADSI has succeeded to date are: transparency, accountability and selflessness. All projects are put on its platforms for every member to know about the projects before the projects are executed. Projects are debated and agreed upon by all. Funding is also debated to ensure every money released is accounted for. From The President, The Trustees, State Executive Committees to all other members of the NGO, everyone has at one point or the other, done something for the progress of ADSI, which others possibly know nothing about. The selflessness is enthralling. If an organization is transparent, accountable and selfless, it becomes unstoppable.

The overarching vision of ADSI is to rid Northern Nigeria of poverty and insecurity, thus offering it the possibilities of birthing a strong economy, which will attract local and international trade partnerships. The attainment of such lofty goal will create jobs, oil the wheels of the region’s economy, and encourage disruptive ideas. The consequence of such milestone is the birth of breath-taking innovations and inventions in science, agriculture and technology, dabbing Northern Nigeria as the harbinger of endless possibilities.

ADSI dreams. The dream is about a new northern Nigeria: a north in which its young people are gainfully employed, skilled, smart and ridiculously compassionate. A north in which the word ‘kidnapping’ is so alien, one even wonders what it means. A north in which banditry is so far removed from our daily reality, one even forgets it ever existed. A north in which our agricultural pyramids, kiss the belly of Paradise. A north in which our people stand shoulder to shoulder with the finest anywhere in the world. A north in which getting education is no longer the exclusive preserve of the rich. A north in which our roads are not death traps. A north in which our streets are void of beggars without any hope for a better life. A north in which our nights and days are safe. A north in which hard work and creativity are the most important credentials of every Arewan. Our north of pride, the north of our dreams.

The possibility of ADSI’s new Northern Nigeria starts with a monthly sacrifice of N2000. The blame game cannot change our region, but your N2000 can. Religious or political animosity cannot change our region, but your N2000 can. Trying to protect yourself and your family alone cannot change our region, but your N2000 can. Come on board! The Arewa of our dreams is possible! ADSI is the move.

Come on Board!

Pokyes Kavwam
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17 Responses

  1. Reading through your preamble, I am really overwhelm by the vision this organisation has.
    1. I noticed the organization started in 2019, with two starting states; Zamfara and Benue- what a good starting selection. Now your magnanimity have covered over 13 states. kudos.
    2. In just short time, I believe, with your skill acquisition program, the vision of putting out poverty and insecurity in Northern Nigeria will be achieved
    3.Your three cardinal points enthral me- Transparency, Accountability and Selflessness.

    I really wish this organisation a big success as I also plan to support this rebourse movement in any way possible.

    All Thanks to Mr Pokyes Kavwam for letting me know of this great organisation. I believe with Pokyes contributions, this organisation will fly without any reservation.

  2. This is a good initiative, change must begin with you and i. ADSI is the best place to begin your steps towards a better future for Nigerians

    1. Beautiful said Mr Pokyes especially from what we have heard about ADSI and hajiya khuraira, we are looking forward to working with you though in enriching our society (north Western States) especially our women and girls. Kudos to you all.

  3. Great strides ADSI! Touching at the core of our humanity and political aspirations as a region, people and country. I pray for a conglomeration of like minds to lock hands together to see not only ADSI succeed but that it will spillover into the socio-economic fabric of our society to bring to bear what we all aspire for as a people.

  4. A good initiative and a good read. May Allah reward you all for this selfless act. May you have the strength to be able to keep on with the struggle.

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