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The potency of hope: Michael Ethan

“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.”

Barbara Kingsolver

Life, for Mr. Ethnan Michael Benson, is gradually snowballing into the reality of the dreams he has nursed for decades. Coming from a humble background in Numan, Adamawa State, he has fought hard to build the intellectual and moral capacities sacrosanct for anyone who truly wants to matter in the game of life. He once dreamt, more than ten years ago, that there would come a time when he is able to contribute to the well-being of humanity, and be a source of joy to many. Gladly, he has begun to see the faltering steps of that dream.

Prior to obtaining his Bsc. Political Science from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, in 2014, he worked with Savannah Sugar Company in Numan from 2007-2009 as an assistant foreman in the company’s factory. Years later, after his university education, his current job was secured. He is the service station manager of MRS Oil and Gas along Airport Road, Abuja; a position in which his rare ability to manage human and financial resources is coming to the fore.

Beginning in his former branch in Katampe as Assistant Manager, within a short space of four years, he has become the manager of a new branch. Talk about a young man who honours his little beginnings and serves with diligence, integrity and dignity, and Ethnan Michael immediately comes to mind.

Having heard about ADSI from his mentor, Mr. Suleiman Ubale, he decided to join. On why he joined ADSI, he says: “I joined ADSI to channel my youthful energy into something that captures my dream for a better Arewa. I knew that on this platform, I can speak up for the voiceless, while channelling my strength and resources to reach and help the less privileged, especially young people like me.”

With a passionate desire to learn and grow his capacities and competencies in different areas of his life, his services for ADSI have been quite remarkable. His meticulous and orderly management of the NGO’s account, updates on payment of dues as well as other assignments that have been assigned to him by ADSI Accountant General, speak volumes into the unique asset Ethnan Michael is to ADSI and humanity at large.

Give the demands of his official work and humanitarian services, his patience, simplicity and humility, have become great virtues that have helped him in the successful execution of his assignments. His hope in the face of emptiness has kept him going. He believes that good things can happen to him and the people around him. He lives each day in that hope and little by the little, his long cherished dreams are becoming realities.

What we pick from this emerging giant and icon is the potency of hope against all reasons to despair. His place in history and his role in ADSI, again prove the fact that ADSI is a home for the great, the small, the mighty and the weak. ADSI is peopled by individuals who all believe, irrespective of class or social status, that with unity, we can build the Arewa of our dreams.

The milestones of Ethnan Michael inspire hope. When one compares where he is today to where he was, just ten years ago, one is reminded that once hope propels the moves of a man, nothing in this world can stop him. It is this hope that compels us to do what we do for our brothers and sisters in Arewa. Join us today! Together, we can make a difference.


Pokyes Kavwam
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One Response

  1. The story of Mr. Ethnan Michael reminded of the story of President Barrack Obama on the book title the Audacity of hope, nothing in this life stop the mind that’s willing and prepare to win, I’m so proud and inspired the story of this gentleman Michael.

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