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Against all odds: Farida Sada

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”

Maya Angelou

To achieve as much as Bar. Farida Sada has achieved, takes courage, focus and unwavering vision. Growing up in a region with male dominance and sometimes, some religious misinterpretations on what religion and tradition extol, put a lid on the possibilities of dreams for the average northern woman. Worse still, when she chooses a career that is traditionally seen as the exclusive preserve of men, the challenges are more.

Currently, Bar. Farida Sada serves as the chairperson, National Committee on Election activities, Good Governance, Human rights and Gender issues of the Federation of Muslim Women Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN), a position she has held since 2010. In this position, Bar. Farida Sada has engaged with policy makers to advocate for policy change to address issues that affect her constituency and the general public, while collaborating with other like-minded CSOs to hold government accountable to its citizenry.

When she joined FOMWAN, Kaduna State Chapter, at its inception in 1987, she knew what she was coming up against in fighting for the good of Muslim women. She gave it her all and rose through the ranks to become the State Ameera (President). She was later elected the deputy National Ameera (President) in 2013, a position she held until 2017. Given her dexterity, competence, and resilience, she served as the project director FOMWAN/PACFaH project 2014 to 2107, during which she engaged policy makers at state and national levels on the need to increase the budget line for health, especially as it related to child and family health.

She has represented FOMWAN at several meetings and capacity building trainings within and outside Nigeria. Prior to the 2019 general elections, having noticed the apathy of most Muslim women towards participation in elections, she led a movement that was able to access funding on voter education, advocacy for the women to participate in the elections and a general awareness campaign on how important it is for them to stand up to be counted.

Over the years, in FOMWAN, and several not-for-profits, she has intelligibly engaged governments, development partners and influencers from all walks of life to promote the rights of women, children and the vulnerable. The chapter her life writes in the book of history is filled with beauty, courage, hope and audacity.

Indeed, Haj. Farida Sada has immeasurably contributed her quota in the development of humanity and the country, writing masterpieces in the pages of time and leaving lasting legacies for posterity. As an excellent team player, with a unique ability to motivate and carry along others to accomplish challenging tasks, her marks in time are cast in gold.

Bar. Farida Sada is an exceptional gift to our ecosystem. She is well-read. She has worked with commendable milestones with public, private and NGO sectors. Her love for knowledge informs her rich public and private presentations, which have transformed how issues around law and women affairs are treated.

On why she joined ADSI, she says: “My dear friend, MP, included me on the ADSI platform at its inception. I initially kept mute and was watching the progress of the group to see where it was heading. So, after some time, I saw that it was non-political and a great initiative that is aimed at lifting Arewa, through sensitization and empowerment. That was when I started paying my dues and agreed to lead my state (Katsina) when MP requested that from me.”

Indeed, her strides in ADSI, Katsina State chapter, are great. We all look forward to the launching of projects and interventions that will add value to the lives of the indigent and vulnerable. ADSI is changing lives, join us today.

Pokyes Kavwam
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2 Responses

  1. Hajiya Farida,is indeed passionate about arewa. When in Abuja and when possible she participate in ADSI FCT projects. Kudos to a passionate arewa woman who is working outside the norm and get along with all in spite of tribe or religion

  2. She is an enigma,I remember when there was extreme cold weather and vulnerable children were dying in katsina,there was blanket and clothes intervention courtesy of this no impossibility mother of Adsi.With her kinds we will surely get there.God bless her and Adsi.

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