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Mimi Bakari Marwa – Adamawa State Coordinator

Mimi Bakari Marwa is a successful entrepreneur with a diverse portfolio of businesses in industries such as beauty and wellness, property and new media.
She is also a Yahoo! Top 10 Entrepreneur of 2021 amongst other accolades.
Her journey began with a PR and marketing firm that handled lifestyle clients ranging from EA Games to major music labels. After doing that job for a while, she decided to pursue her lifelong interest in natural and organic plant ingredients. She learned how to make a variety of handmade beauty products and set up Happy Devas to offer them to the world.
With her beauty and wellness company established, Mimi switched her focus to property. She invested in numerous London properties and set up an agency called Franok Property to manage them. She is currently working with landlords and investors to maximise their returns by investing in property as opposed to leaving the money in the bank at almost 0%, and her firm has a target of housing 3,000 people in the next three years.
Franok Property aims to match clients to the right properties, renovations and decorations and get tenants settled in their new homes after an initial consultation. This meeting can be about investment properties, property refurbishments, management or lettings. The firm also works with commercial to residential conversions and off-market renovation residential projects.
Mimi holds an LLB/Law degree as well as a postgraduate qualification in Business Administration from the Queen Mary University of London. She’s also a proud alumnus of Queen’s College, Yaba, Lagos.
She acts as a business mentor to bring in more women and minorities into ownership.
Mimi came onboard ADSI as a founding member after experiencing the difficulties in making headway to impact entrepreneurs in the north. The frustrations of growing businesses drove the need to make things easier for younger entrepreneurs from the region.

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