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Hudallah Abba – Adamawa State Coordinator

Hudallah Abba. The Deputy coordinator Adamawa state.

I was born in Kano but raised in Gombe and Adamawa. I am both from Kano and Adamawa 😊 but I’ve been residing in Kano for the past 35 years Alhamdulillah.

I had both my primary and secondary education in the then Northeast region and I later obtained my diploma in Sharia from the University of  Maiduguri.

I am a full-time housewife with seven kids and two grandkids. May Allah bless them all, Aameen.

I enjoy participating in charitable non-governmental organisations so I could make a difference in other people’s lives and that’s why I joined ADSI because of its goals and objectives.

I enjoy visiting family and friends, travelling, cracking jokes, solving puzzles, mysteries, reading and writing. Maybe that’s why I seem to comment a lot on the ADSI platform

We live in a place where Almajiranci is on the increase by the day and we are all troubled by it. So that’s why I joined the Almajiranci advocacy committee to see what contributions we can give in our own little ways to see that we make a positive impact on the lives n challenges faced by the Almajiris in shaa Allah.

May Allah help ADSI and help all its members to focus on its goals and objectives so as to see Arewa changes for the better, Ameen.

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