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Hashim Haruna Hashim – Jigawa State Coordinator

Hashim Haruna Hashim, born and brought up in Gumel – Jigawa State. He is an ICT and Social Media Consultant for Reboot, supporting PERL-DFID and partners (Media Practitioners, Groups, Foundations, and Civil Society Organizations). He facilitated more than 100 local and national events/workshops. He is a communication and graphic designer using different means such as; animatography, videography, infographics and pictography and have worked with many media and multimedia specialists. He specialized in data visualization and analysis/analytics. Skilled in data cleaning/refining, image and content development. Currently partnering with TirpConsult, an IT-based consultancy service.

Top Community Services:

  • Currently a Graphic designer for Arewa Development Support Initiative ADSI.
  • State Coordinator Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI).
  • Secretary Dutse Cooperative Marketers Association.
  • Jigawa Coordinator NACCIMA Youth Entrepreneurs.
  • Social Media Coordinator for JGMEF/Media Alliance/#NigeriansWakeUp.
  • Member, Bloggers Association Northern Nigeria (BANN).
  • Communication Coordinator, National Seed & Agric Advocates



  • He is a Communication strategist, a mentor and a communication designer, best known for supporting organizations, groups, and individuals to visualize their work and data for easy understanding and presentation.
  • As a development advocate, he participated in physical and digital advocacy that address many social, economic, and service delivery issues through partnership and volunteerism. He undergoes various capacity building programs, workshops and seminars building his technical skills to pursue/improve quality of governance and financial west reduction.
  • He supported UNICEF (GEP) in 2005/2006 as a data analyst.
  • Presently in charge of Computer software troubleshooting for Action Against Hunger (ACF), which is another subsidiary organization to DFID.
  • He is the initiator of the Motivation 101 for Children program; basically, initiated for school and out-of-school child motivation.
  • A motivational speaker on Social challenges, Unity of Purpose under the umbrella of Community Safety Partnership.
  • Practical Advice Dispenser through both online and physical means.
  • Public Speaker on Radio, TV, and International Media Org.; particularly on Fraud and Scams, safety and risk management, and community matters.
  • Presently supporting Citizens, PERL-DFID, Media Organization on budget tracking, monitoring, and evaluation using Civic Technology and social media platforms.
  • Supporting Conventional Media Organizations (NTA, Freedom Radio, Radio Horizon, JTV, and Jigawa Radio Cooperation) on how to expand reaches and improve the content of their programming through the use of social media platforms.
  • He works closely with M&E Civil Societies working groups in the area of budget and Service Delivery for transparency, accountability, and effective governance.
  • Lead mentor on social media and open governance, e-governance for service improvement.
  • He is Social Media Influencer, working closely with media and New Media persons, INGO partnered to improve the quality of service.
  • A trainer/a custodian for media engagement through civic technology to address service delivery blockers.
  • Impacting in communication amongst citizen groups working on Open Government Partnership Jigawa (#OGPJigawa) using ICT and Social Media Applications.
  • He is a Graphic Designer, capacitated to analyze document/data and transform them into infographic designs for illustrious presentations
  • He coordinates information through the development of infographics for CSOs (Media Partners, CSOs, and INGOs) in 6 states (Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Yobe, Maiduguri, Katsina, including Abuja).
  • Participated in Train the Trainee CBN Financial Literacy Program (2017).
  • An Information coordinator for National Advocacy Team on Quality Seeds and Good Agric Input.
  • Information coordinator for more than 15 social media platforms with different aims and objectives.
  • Virtual engines trainer for citizens and INGOs to succeed in digital conferencing, workshops, solutions and budget tracking.
  • An Initiator and Coordinator of 1st Jigawa State Governorship Debate (2019).
  • Has been organizing mentorship series for CSOs, INGOs and CBOs on Digital Advocacy.

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