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Haj. Halima Umar Ndanusa: the Saharan Pearl

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

Martin Luther King Jr.


What the ace civil rights activist and clergyman, Martin Luther King Jr., conceives of life, epitomizes the personality and life of Haj. Halima Umar Ndanusa: a great ADSIAN from Niger State. The rhythm of her life ticks with the cadence of compassion. One finds in the stillness of her voice, the canopy under which ailing hope blooms to life. Her humane personality, constructs a pathway upon which a chance meeting with her can transform the life of just about anybody, irrespective of creed, origin, or views; into an edifice of wonders.

Ab initio, her noble strides at Jolly Brothers Nig. Ltd., as the Manager, before an eventually remarkable career in the banking sector, the founding of New Ventures Computer College, which was affiliated to the University of Lagos; all point to the great prospects she held: the asset she has eventually become to humanity and the gift she is to our collective human experience.

As a result, over time, given the demands for top-level leadership and management, she has had to take several management courses from different institutions in Nigeria and abroad. Thus building the capacity with which she has kept on coaching and mentoring the younger generation to live up to the responsibilities of its time in business, leadership, and other sectors of our economy.

Currently, as an entrepreneur and a humanitarian, her milestones in the lives of individuals and other organizations she supports, are coloured with the scented care of a humanitarian committed to healing our world, riding it of unhealthy practices and norms that rob mankind of its beauty.

As a wife, mother and grandmother, her proudest achievement is the establishment of her life-long dream business: a physiotherapy clinic. In that facility, she witnesses week in and out, the great health improvement of the physically challenged. That gives her immeasurable joy and fulfilment. Her joy knows no bounds as she beholds some of them with disabilities regain some level of normal life.

Further to that, as a mentor and influencer, her impact is limitless. This explains why it is often easy to find her consistently looking for young potentials in whom she can invest her time, experience and resources, to give them a better chance at a comfortable life.

One of her iconic marks in Arewa would have to do with a job she did with Great Green Wall. Her work at Great Green Wall, a government agency focused on basic livelihood research on border corridor communities in the North West, remain to date, one of the most thoughtful approaches to bettering the lot of the indigent in North Western Nigeria. During that assignment, she saw first-hand, what real poverty is. With that experience, she has since resolved to create opportunities for a better life for the many people that come her way for the rest of her life. A resolution she is still committed to, to date.

Speaking on Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI), she opines that the NGO’s core mandates line up with what she believes of humanity and Arewa in particular. She strongly believes that ADSI is a solution to the many problems of Arewa.

On why she joined ADSI, she says: I joined ADSI because I share the same vision and mission as ADSI and was invited by a trusted and long-time friend.”

As the state coordinator of ADSI in Niger State, her contributions, together with her team, in building the Arewa of our dream, remain a shining ray of hope in a region torn apart by all kinds of vices. As a distinguished daughter of Arewa, a delectable Saharan pearl, her decision to join ADSI testifies to the relevance of the vision of the NGO in transforming Arewa.

With the likes of this Saharan pearl in ADSI, a lot more can be done for the good of Arewa. Arewa yet sits in the midst of the emerging hopes of Africa. With bits and pieces of sacrifices by people like Haj. Halima Ndanusa, a lot more can be accomplished. If she has done the much she has done for our region, imagine what more can be done if women in her class, scattered all over Arewa, will pitch their tent with ADSI. The future of Arewa is bright and great women like Haj. Ndanusa are the light that brighten that future. Come along and be a part of this journey. ADSI is changing lives.

Pokyes Kavwam
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6 Responses

  1. she is a remarkable woman, she is a superwoman, I see her as my role model. she has a good heart and unique in remarkable ways. wow

  2. This interesting write up reveals that Haj. Halima Umar Ndanusa is a great woman and an unstoppable force changing the world.

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