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An outstanding ADSIAN from the caliphate

“Great men are not born great, they grow great . . .”

Mario Puzo


What immediately comes to mind at the slightest thought of him, is contagious passion. On the compass of an overwhelming vision, he roars to action, tickles the heartbeat of ingenuity, and fills the gourd of man’s thirst for distinction, with royal petals of excellence, an unwavering devotion to duty, and a mesmerising oasis of generosity. Dr Kabir Umar Dasuki, a politico-entrepreneurial scion, bursting at the seams with transformative ideas for the betterment of Arewa and the world at large, typifies on the lanes he has travelled, the regal charm of the caliphate.

As a passionate seeker of knowledge and self-development, he has a PhD in Business Administration with a specialization in leadership and organizational change from the University of Phoenix, Arizona, USA; a certificate in leadership from Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA; MBA from Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto and a Bsc. in Business Administration from the University of Lagos, Akoka, amongst several other certificates he has obtained.

No wonder, his many publications, symbolic of his contributions to the body of knowledge on business administration, stand shoulder to shoulder with that of the finest minds in business education in Nigeria. His thorough expeditions in the field of business administration, entrepreneurship and higher education leadership, radiate on the tar of eminent milestones in business education, given the significance and relevance of these expedient expeditions.

His career in teaching dates back to his early days in his home state, Sokoto State, where at Sokoto Polytechnic (Now Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic), he taught entrepreneurship and other related courses for over two decades. There, he rose through the ranks to head the Polytechnic before his voluntary retirement from the state civil service. During his time in the polytechnic, Dr. Dasuki, practically and theoretically, revolutionized the art of teaching and polytechnic education. His marks in the higher education sector of his home state have to date, remained some of the most significant contributions to revamping education and academic leadership in Sokoto State.

Further to that, he currently quadruples as the CEO & Chief Consultant of DUKE Logistics & Consult LTD, a Master Trainer certified and licensed to train Entrepreneurs by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Director General, Africa Sports Development Centre Abuja, and Director General, ASDC Entrepreneurship Development Centre Abuja.

His notable success in the positions he has held and now holds, led to his appointment as Member, Presidential Steering Committee on African Continental Free Trade Area and also Member, National Labour Advisory Council.

He is a certified Lead Auditor, International Standard Organisation, a Fellow, Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Member, Chattered Institute of Management, Fellow, Institute of Industrialists and Corporate Administrators of Nigeria, Member, Institute of Management Consultants, Resource Person, National Board for Technical Education NBTE, Resource Person, Nigeria Export Promotion Council, and a Member of the National Quality Infrastructure Project of Nigeria.

Following his glorious antecedents, he is also saddled with the responsibility of the Country Ambassador, Africa Islamic Economic Foundation. He is equally the President, La_Riba Multipurpose Cooperative Society (a multinational Non Interest Cooperative Society), the Deputy President, North, Nigeria Association of Small and Medium Enterprise (NASME), the Chairman, Association of skilled and Vocational Artisans of Nigeria, Sokoto State Chapter, Chairman, Nigeria Entrepreneurs Forum and most importantly, the Executive Monitoring Officer, North Central, for ADSI and the Coordinator, ADSI, Sokoto State.

Speaking on why he decided to join ADSI, he says: “18th April, 2019 was the day I joined ADSI. A day I cherish and will hope to always remain a virgin in my memory as it gave me the hope to collectively do something about the region I love so much. ADSI to me is everything. There is nothing like having common ideals with people who are determined to bring succour to the less privileged. I have been doing humanitarian activities in my own small and modest way and ADSI has made it bigger and more promising. I must say ADSI is a manna from heaven and we must be proud to have something that will in the nearest future, be the solution to all the myriad problems of the common man in Arewa and Nigeria at large.”

As a happy husband and father, his strides in private and public, are prototypical of that of an enviable role model. He stands out in many ways. He challenges status quo. He is a stallion of hope and courage. He is a unique asset to our motherland. He could have easily hidden under the guise of overwhelming work demands to shy away from contributing his resources and intellectual capacity for the development of Arewa, but he would rather give his all for a region he knows only people like him can make better.

You too can join Dr. Kabir Dasuki to make Arewa a haven of possibilities. That monthly sacrifice of a minimum of N2000 per ADSIAN is making a huge difference in the lives of the less privileged. ADSI skills men and women consistently, intervening and responding to needs in different parts of Arewa, thus offering many people another chance at a better life. ADSI works! Join us today!

Pokyes Kavwam
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