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Connoisseur of distinctions: Mrs. Ladi Miriam Truman

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Walt Disney


Driven by the kind of passion that typifies outliers, she hits the road of life, and leaves in her trails, effulgent beams of courage in the tabloids of memoirs.  As a connoisseur of exceptional distinctions, ranging from financial services, project management to agricultural development, commercial banking, microfinance, humanitarian interventions and the private sector, spanning almost three decades, the classic lustre she colours our universe with, earns her a place in the class of unique world changers, inspired by the divine. Her knack for excellence unnerves. Add to that, a stable character, which has turned her into a confidant for hundreds of men and women, desperate for direction, when life hits rock bottom.

With a firm faith in the possibilities of a virile national economy, she has over the years, committed to building scalable businesses. Through the productivity and positive contribution of the private sector; she has been working on revamping the Panyam Fish Farm Limited, Panyam, Plateau State, since April, 2018. Given her rich capacity in financial services and business management; with a certification in small and medium enterprises, as counsellor, awarded by Acadia (Canada) Centre for Social and Business Entrepreneurship; her trajectory as a business developer and consultant is coloured with enviable milestones.

As a senior consulting partner of Clean Vessel International (a value-chain development consulting company with broad based and in-depth knowledge in training and capacity building of small holder farmers to produce for agriculture businesses through market linkage), she participated in the Federal Government of Nigeria Dairy Infrastructure stakeholders consultative forum, which came up with a roadmap for dairy farming in Nigeria. Her exceptional performance on that team led to her selection as one of the team members for the Kenyan Dairy Industry study tour led by the Agriculture Transformation Agenda of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. In Quanpan, Plateau State, she is preparing the documentation for the funding of rice production on 200 hectares of land on the Lower Benue River Basin Development Authority (LBRBDA), Makurdi.

Amongst the major projects she has handled are: establishment of Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant in Angloga Volta Region of Ghana for Global Services Limited (which is still on-going), feasibility studies on the establishment of Jute Bags Production Plant: 30,000 bags per day in Kaduna State (on-going), feasibility study on the establishment of a 25,000 tons of Rice Mill and Model Farm in Chikun LGA for Mega Rice Nigeria Limited (completed 2013), financial consultant to Elchim Nig. Ltd on the construction of 10,000 locked up shops at the Electrical Electronic and Spare-part International Market Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria (on-going), feasibility study on the establishment of a 16800 metric tons of pelletized animal feed and 4500 metric tons of Oil Mill in Azare, Bauchi State for Tropical Concerns Limited (completed 2013), financial advisor to Nisa Premier Hospital on Feasibility Report for the proposed Nisa Asian Specialist Hospital for women and children, Abuja; amongst several others.

She has participated in the process of documentation and fundraising to build private students hostel for University of Maiduguri, Borno State: a build, operate and transfer package of N6.2 billion. She also worked in association with Assets and Resources Management Company Limited (ARM) Lagos on due diligence of ROC International Hotel for Plateau State Government in 2002 and with Quorum Consortium Ltd to raise bridging finance of N200m (Two Hundred Million Naira only) towards the resuscitation of Taraku Oil Mills Gboko, Benue State, for the Benue State Government in 2002.

Further still, as a Governing Council Member of Nigeria-Malaysia Business Council, she facilitated the consummation of an economic relationship between Northern Ghana Development Authority, Lamasheegu-Tamale, Ghana and Shaanxi Province China on Economic Cooperative and Business Development which was signed in January 2020. Similarly, she facilitated the first One-on-One Business meeting between Malaysian Oil and Gas Companies in collaboration with Dudu Investment & Business Research Centre Limited (as assistant director Business development), and High Commission of Malaysia Trade Office (MATRADE) Lagos, Nigeria. To also respond to a campus accommodation need, she sourced a financier for 12000 bed space Hostel on Public-Private, Partnership Hostel Complex between University of Uyo & Messrs Ruthana Development Consulting Ltd.

Growing up in a tradition which didn’t place a high premium on girl education, she made up her mind to be educated. With a Bsc. in Agriculture (1986) from the famous Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, a Master’s in Business Administration (1990) from the same university and an ongoing Masters in Society and Development Studies with APUDI Institute for Peace Studies and Social Rehabilitation-APIS, Abuja, aside several courses locally and internationally, she has built academic and expert business capacities that compete with the best anywhere in the world.

Her choice for copious education and specialized enlightenment did not end with her. That choice informed her passion for girl education and empowerment of women. Being married to a military man also opened her eyes to the challenges of several women married to military men. Given the high risk of the job, many widows are often left without anything when the grim reaper comes calling. That realization led Mrs. Truman into interventions that have seen to the empowerment of several of those widows and the education of several girls, using her business outfit: Goshen Concerns Ltd. While being trained, they are also given stipends to support their upkeep, throughout the period of the training. In that initiative, school drop outs are trained in business and secretarial services. Thereafter, they are assisted to secure good jobs or assisted to setup their businesses.

Women and girls, being her primary constituency, have benefitted a lot from her bowels of generosity. Recently, she assisted over 200 women access the Covid-19 loan. Also, in Nassarawa State, she registered another 200 women in a cooperative where they were able to access funds from a commercial bank for soyabeans farming. This explains why within her Christian religion enclave, she is a sought-after premarital counsellor and reliable business and life coach. Given her large heart, she has been reaching out to widows and orphans across the North and anywhere the need arises.

As the founder of Yeltruzz Farms and Food Processing Company, where she engages in bee farming, aside other companies she has founded or consulted on founding, her track records in agriculture, banking and finance, and business, in more than two decades, stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the most spectacular attainments in those fields. Her antecedents make reference to a thorough-bred enigma of some sort, a rich gamut of inextinguishable wisdom, a custodian of intellectual prowess, a repertoire of inspiring audacity, and a dictionary of the wonders of womanhood.

Speaking to ADSI Media, she opines that ADSI is a platform that can be used to reach more people. When like-minds come together with skills, competencies and resources, they do the incredible. She thus believes that the wisdom and single-mindedness of ADSI management and trustees will take ADSI to heights unknown. As the FCT coordinator of ADSI, her contributions are magnanimous and immeasurable.

On why she joined ADSI, she says: “I needed a platform that would help me reach more people and when Auntie Saratu Orga introduced ADSI to me, I saw in it, a platform that could transform and unite Arewa. I was also encouraged by the life story of Madam President, Haj. Khuraira Musa.”

One remembers, at the sound of the name, Ladi Truman, a remarkable epitome of compassion, dignity and integrity. She is not one to fold her arms and watch when a challenge looms up, whoever is affected by it. This is lived out in her skills in business development, financial advisory services, feasibility studies, preparing business plans, cutting across public, private and non-governmental organizations, which have distinguished her as one of the finest gifts of God to Arewa and mankind at large.

If not sheer compassion, what could have led her to responding to the need of founding a school in faraway Pakistan, when she was there for a short break of just three months? A few years down the line, that compassionate response to the plight of strangers in need, has carved out a beautiful life for hundreds of children, who benefitted from the intervention. For Mrs. Ladi Truman, the universe is her constituency. When she sees a problem, her immediate instinct is how to solve that problem. As a result of this large heart for humanity, even when sometimes down on a sick bed, one still finds her monitoring through calls, messages and mails, projects she should have been part of, but for her ill-health.

This wife of Rtd. Air-Commodore Gideon Truman, mother of three boys and one girl, mentor of mentors, teacher of teachers, leader of leaders, and a shining armour in the conquest of courage, enriches our minds with the stallion gaits of an amazon, who dared, fought and won against conspicuous odds and obstacles, to pitch in the soil of fame and greatness, an edifice of endless distinctions.

As a spectacular ADSIAN, we are so proud of her achievements. You too can join her on ADSI, to give back to society and build a great AREWA.

Pokyes Kavwam
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12 Responses

  1. Mrs Ladi Truman is indeed a collosus of magnanimity,fountain of entrepreneurial wisdom,a very strong pillar and lover of humanity.She is dependable and recommend able.

    1. Iam not surprise at Mrs Truman’s achievement or commendation because of her calmness n humbility very amiable lady too. She is indeed a right choice for commendation. Congratulations.

  2. Iam not surprised,Mrs Truman earned this ,we grew up together as undergraduates at Ahmadu Bello University , Zaria .She is a humanist and a reliable person irrespective of creed,tribe or gender.

  3. Mrs Ladi Truman is indeed a dynamic lady with a Never give up spirit. She has vast experience in economic Empowerment of both men and women. She refuses to be distracted by any negative occurrences.

  4. I have known Mrs Ladi Truman since our undergraduate days at the Faculty of Agriculture, ABU, Zaria! I respected and admired this lady then and now because I saw in her the attire and glowing of excellence! No wonder, her commitment to serve God and humanity faithfully has taken her to such a great height! I pray that God will grant her good health and long live and use her more to achieve greater works for humanity!

  5. A direct individual with an unassuming mien. Quiet, calculating, firm and not easily intimidated by challenges. Not surprised with the these achievements

  6. Indeed an enigma! With all the colorful achievements and doggedness and courage, she stands high and tall in impacting this world for God and humanity.

  7. Indeed an enigma! With all the colorful achievements and doggedness and courage, she stands high and tall among equals in impacting this world for God and humanity.

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