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A passionate humanitarian, a great ADSIAN

“Do not go by my humble beginnings. Be wary of my enormous vision.”

Manoj Arora, Dream


How a man begins, has little to nothing to do with how he finally winds up. The foregone statement is true of the life of the great Nasir Suleiman Abdulkarim (Danruwatan Sarkin Azare). Born and brought up in Kano, his humble beginnings at an Almajiri Academy, before his eventual enrolment into a modern Qu’ranic School, which was after completing his secondary school education, did not show clear signs of promise and the great life he has lived to date. But as the saying goes: where there is a will, there is a way

A moment after his time in the Qu’ranic School, he got admission into Kano Polytechnic (School of Management Studies), where he obtained his National Diploma in Business Studies, before a further study at Federal Polytechnic, Kaduna (KADPOLY), for his Higher National Diploma in Production and Operations Management. To expand his relevance in the field, he also went ahead to bag a Post-Graduate Diploma in Procurement from the same institution, aside several courses he has taken in Nigeria and beyond in his areas of expertise.

He began his foray into a life of meaningful impact as a civil servant with Nassarawa Local Government Area of Kano State, where he served as a teacher before moving to the state level, serving in the office of the Deputy Governor. That stint in the civil service, brief as it was, was marked with indelible attainments, born of sheer commitment to duty, unwavering devotion to given-assignments and an overwhelming compassion for the betterment of his state of birth.

In furtherance of his marks in time, he worked with a couple of private entities: Panisau General Merchant as Sales Representative and Sabiplast Company Limited as Administrative Manager. Given his remarkable achievements in these companies, his track records and uncommon innovative foresight in evolving creative ideas, his success was first-class. He thus reached out, given his magnanimity, to hundreds of people in his immediate community in Kano and beyond.

The story of Elnasyr, as he is fondly called, is that of a man who has put in his all for the good of mankind and the betterment of others. That should explain his meritorious rise to a federal agency, in the Presidency: Revenue Mobilisation Allocation & Fiscal Commission, where he currently works, manning the affairs of the agency in Kaduna and Niger States. He is a hard worker, a spectacular team player and a dear lover of Arewa.

As a peace ambassador, a lover of justice and truth, a believer in a better tomorrow, a well-mannered technocrat, and a passionate humanitarian, he has made noteworthy contributions to several non-governmental organizations as member, leader or key stakeholder. He is the Founder/CEO of Concerned Citizens Development Support Initiative. As a voluntary social worker, a happy husband and father of 6 children, his joy comes from helping others and putting smiles on the faces of the people he meets every day.

Speaking on why he joined ADSI, he says: “I joined Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI) through one my uncles, Najjashi Barau Dambatta, who was then, three years ago, already a member of ADSI. He told me about this great movement and I saw the need to join this noble organization.”

On becoming a member of ADSI, his sterling leadership qualities came to the fore, evidenced in his readiness to serve ADSI as though it is his pet project. He has in the last three years, brought joy, empowerment and better life to many in Kano, under the banner of ADSI. This, certainly, explains why he is the current State Coordinator of ADSI in Kano State.

Elnasyr Suleiman Abdulkarim, a lover of research work, travelling, and volley ball, sticks out in the narrative of ADSI’s rise to relevance as one of those important pillars of the edifice we hope to build in Arewa. He is humble, dedicated and reliable. He is one person you can call upon to meet needs in our dear Arewa and you can be sure he will generously respond.

His beginning was not adorned in wealth, just like many other Arewans, but today, he is one of the illustrious sons of Arewa, committed to giving back to Arewa financially, socially, intellectually and otherwise. It is for the likes of him and many other great ADSIANS, that it is possible to offer skills and start-up kits to hundreds of men and women, throughout Arewa.

ADSI is making a difference born of the deliberate will of great Arewans who are concerned about the future of Arewa. You too can join us. Let’s make Arewa, great.

Pokyes Kavwam
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