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ADSI, Yobe Chapter, leads in building a virile economy in the North-East

“Freedom comes from strength and self-reliance.”

Lisa Murkowski

The World Bank, in July, 2021, surmises that global mega trends such as the rising role of technology, climate change, demographic shifts, urbanization, and the globalization of value chains are changing the nature of work and skills demands. The immediate consequence is that to succeed in the 21st century labour market, one needs a comprehensive skill set composed of: cognitive skills, socio-emotional skills, technical skills, and digital skills.

These skills sets are at the tipping point of success in a global tech-economy, which places a priceless premium on competence and technical skills, as opposed to simple knowledge retention that cannot be domesticated to daily realities. This also informs the World Economic Forum’s opinion of skills as the new certificates in the 21st century economy.

In Yobe, ADSI, lived out this perception in an aptly organized skill acquisition program that has empowered 71 men and women in Yobe, to be self-reliant, productive and relevant to narratives that build virile economies. The program, which lasted 3 months, skilled 71 beneficiaries, who graduated on the 26th day of November, 2021.

The beneficiaries, armed with requisite start-up kits, having provided their various guarantors, walked away empowered and better positioned to be key players in Yobe’s thriving economy, and by extension, that of Arewa. Amongst them were 10 trained on tailoring, 12 on electrical works and fitting, 15 on home decoration and liquid soap production, 23 on catering services and event management and 11 on solar installation and maintenance.

At the graduation ceremony, attended by ADSI Yobe grand-patron, HRH. Alhaji Abubakar Umar Suleiman (Vice chairman, council of chiefs), Speaker, Yobe State House of Assembly and the Chairman of the occasion Hon. Bukar Mustapha Geidam, Member, representing Geidam LGA, amongst many other distinguished guests, the guest speaker happed on the overwhelming significance of skills acquisition, being one of the most reliable panaceas to insecurity in Northern Nigeria.

The intervention in Yobe, made possible by the unflinching commitment of the ADSI team in Yobe, one more, glides into the parchments of history as an efficacious stride in stemming vices and building lives. This explains why every dignitary present, from private individuals to public officials, enjoined all to identify with the inspiring milestones of ADSI in transforming Arewa. Every comment reminds us of why we are here. It reminds us of why ADSI is necessary. The smiles on the faces of the beneficiaries are priceless.

What peaks this joy that comes with the interventions of ADSI in Yobe and elsewhere is the reality that homes are able to feed because of the good-hearted members of ADSI, who sacrifice a minimum N2000 per month to empower individuals with skills and to reach out in other ways. Still to that is the reality that a child from a very poor background is able to make it to school because ADSI has given their parents or older siblings a means of livelihood.

The acquisition of skills will rank as one of the most important pathways to crushing slavery in all its forms. Skilled people are able to negotiate, based on what they can offer.  Their competence or skill becomes the timeless currency with which they can access the labour market, and become key stakeholders and players.

Lisa, as quoted above, is right about the freedom that comes from strength and self-reliance. Concrete strength, otherwise defined as skill, allows us to appreciate the beauty in individuals. The skills, fine-tuned, day in and out, colour the landscape of our ecology with the beauties that are original to each one who uncovers his or her creative wonder, once skilled to do so.

It is along this path that we can one day return to a Yobe bustling with the preponderance of human capacities, a beehive of Arewa’s wonder, a home of peace and not terrorism, a hub of virtues and not vices and a nerve-centre of man’s staggering proclivities, when the climes propel the sanity of the mind.

The year 2022 is just a few days away, why not consider joining ADSI, to help transform our communities in Arewa? Compliments of the season and best wishes for the coming New Year.


Pokyes Kavwam
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