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Securing our future leaders: ADSI, FCT-Abuja

“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” 

Denis Waitley


The festive mood in December 2021 was one never to forget for the Internally Displaced (IDP) Camp at New Kuchigoro, FCT-Abuja. Following the outcome of a needs assessment of the camp, ADSI, FCT-Abuja Chapter, led by the chapter coordinator, Mrs. Ladi Truman, expended hundreds of thousand on a medical outreach which brought smiles to faces of all, especially, the children, being the primary beneficiaries of the outreach.

The outreach was premised on the several needs of the camp; ranging from lack of educational infrastructure, inadequate medical care, malnutrition, to lack of vocational skills, among many others. Having drawn a scale of preference, the health needs of children was deemed uppermost. Given that conclusion, the medical outreach focused on reducing the health challenges of children, thus treating malaria, diarrhoea, helminthiasis, ringworm, flu, and other ailments for over 300 vulnerable children at the camp.

The medical team, made of doctors, pharmacists and nurses, went further to educate the camp on healthy lifestyles that would help in combating common water-borne diseases. The medical outreach went a long way in benefitting and improving the quality of life for the refugees, especially the children, who are the leaders of tomorrow.

To commemorate the festive mood of the season on that 11th day of December, 2021, ADSI’s team generously gave out food items, snacks, water, and soft drinks to the happy refugees. The joy and gratitude of the camp was outrageous, given the fact that key needs in their lives were met in that medical outreach.

The success of an outreach like this hinges on the unflinching commitment of a team. At the December medical outreach, the benevolence of ADSI leadership, from the international to the state level, made everything possible. All hands were deck to ensure every detail of the outreach was seamless.

The grateful response of the camp to the outreach was particularly heart-warming and encouraging. The joyful response of the children and their parents once more reminded us of ADSI’s most shared song: we are the world. It is true that we are the ones to make the world a better place for all. What becomes of our region truly depends on us.

Imagine what limited need has been met through that medical outreach. Imagine the many other needs that could be met if ADSI had more paying members, committing at least, N2000 per month, to better the lot of the indigent. There a number of things we can do for the good of one another.

The smiles ADSI brought to those young, vulnerable and innocent faces were priceless. Those children may never forget that for the rest of their lives. For some of them, it is the beginning of a great life in humanitarian interventions. They will remember it, decades from now, and look back to the needs of others like they were, thus bringing succour, comfort and aid, where they are most needed.

We change the world, one person at a time. With that mind-set, we are unstoppable. We can pull down all kinds of obstacles. We should not be enamoured with the myriad of challenges we have as a region, we should rather be very committed to responding to the ones we can respond to. ADSI provides us with that platform. On ADSI, every one matters. Every voice matters. Our approach to community services, aimed at building capacities, competencies and potentials, while also meeting welfare and social needs, allows us to reach those who are truly in need of some help to access that chance at a better life. Come on board. We can build the Arewa of our dream, together.

Pokyes Kavwam
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