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A bright future for northern Nigeria

According to NASA scientists, “we are born creative geniuses and the education system dumbs us down.” Could this be true? I guess a lot goes in the affirmative when one looks at the consistent demise of great potentials at sunrise; much owing to the perception of what education is and what it is not.

A case in point may have to do with how Nigeria’s over emphasis on the cognitive domain of learning fades into oblivion, the overwhelming relevance of the other domains of learning. As a result, kids with great psychomotor or affective skills are benignly advised to stop playing and bend down to read their books. Unfortunately, our universe is engulfed in a revolution. We are reminded by contemporary shapers of history, that what really matters is man’s ability to connect to his inner core and by such connection, offer intrinsic value to the shared evolution of mankind. This typifies what we have beheld amongst talents from all walks of life. They have again and again, wowed us with the extraordinary capacity of human creativity.

It gladdens to know that the potential for greatness also lies abundantly in northern Nigeria. We have young talents, potentials and gifts, who are integral parts of humanity’s exploration of itself and the discovery of what it is. Such talents bloom in the Sahara!

A typical example of one of our emerging talents is the young boy in the picture below. He is a northern Nigerian, who like many others kids in the region, has dreams. He can see what he can become. He models it in the beautiful edifice we can see with him. In that edifice made of some hard papers, we behold the possibilities of a great architect or a civil engineer. He brings this to his mother, just in case she wants to buy a house. He is bold enough to tell his story to whoever cares to listen to him.

The persistent and passionate voice of this young lad, telling people about the houses he builds, is once more, a reminder of the great potentials of our people. Imagine what this boy will become in the next ten years, if the needed support is accessed. As a young man, his potentials are limitless. His penchant for creativity is quite vast.

He writes upon the slate of our collective trajectory, the message of hope: hope for that bright future for northern Nigeria. He tells us through his work that there is a lot in this region. There are a lot more like him. This is the reason ADSI could not have come at a better time. With your N2000 per month, the story of this young boy and several others like him, will be told in palaces across the world. A spark of passion, when fanned to raging flames, can transform the history of a people.

There is no denying the fact that northern Nigeria is a gold-mine. In this region are potentials and talents who have the capacity to compete with the best anywhere in the world, if they can be supported and encouraged. This is the northern Nigeria I know. A northern Nigeria of endless possibilities. Through ADSI, we can tell stories and support talents that will place us on the world map. We can rise to the enviable levels of forward-looking societies. We can rise to the noteworthy heights as insightful creators of masterpieces. We can do all things, because we have the innate God-given capacity for all things. This is the north of our pride! It is always an honour to have you on board. Let’s build our Arewa together!

Pokyes Kavwam
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2 Responses

    1. Quite ingenious. Stay focus young man. One day you will build that house of your dream for momma and many people. May God direct your path.

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