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“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Driven by the passion to build a world in which the pricelessness of humanity trumps selfishness, Mr. Hashim Haruna Hashim, a quintessential ADSIAN, glows the trail of our collective northern voyage with landmarks that will stand the test of time. As a spectacular humanitarian, digital advocate, social media influencer and youth influencer in the north-west, his milestones have awakened Arewa to the wonders of selflessness. For more than one decade, his epic antecedents typify him as a human rights activist who is truly in touch with those in need of a better life. His activism has influenced policies and governmental interventions that have orchestrated a better life for north-western Nigerians.

In recognition of his exemplary leadership in bettering the lot of our people, especially youths, in Jigawa and some parts of Arewa, he was, earlier this year, invited by Human Right and Civic Engagement Platform in the USA, for the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). During a session that lasted a number of weeks, Mr. Hashim was one of six Nigerians selected, based on effective human rights activism. The world over, successful activists were pulled together to share their experiences, knowledge and expertise in championing causes that have positively improved the lot of mankind. 

As a 2021 Human Right and Civic Engagement (IVLP) Alumnus, Hashim’s current impact in Arewa is growing in leaps and bounds. What more would one expect from a tech savvy, who was an ICT and Social Media Consultant for Reboot, supported PERL-DFID (FCDO) and their media, SHoA, Government and Civil Society partners? Certainly a lot! This explains why he is currently a Communication and Graphic Designing Consultant for PERL-FCDO – Nigeria and also a Consultant for PERL-ARC Programme on Education.

With experiences spanning the coordination of volunteer groups and an astonishing expertise in digital advocacy, the presence of Mr. Hashim on any project has consistently given it a unique success that stems from his contagious passion for humanity, a penchant for excellence and an uncommon foresight in championing and sustaining noble causes.

Further to that, it is heart-warming to note that through digital campaigns under Coalition of Jigawa Media Engagement Forum (JGMEF) and Community Safety Partnership (CSP), Hashim has been able to influence reforms and government responsiveness to the needs of his community. He coordinates digital activities for Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI). He also designs and documents results for ADSI, apart from being the State Coordinator for Jigawa State.

Given his desire to build capacity amongst young Arewans, Hashim volunteers to coordinate youth groups in his communities and across northern Nigeria. As part of his community services, he renders free services to NACCIMA Youth Entrepreneurs, coordinates the Social Media activities for JGMEF/Media Alliance/#NigeriansWakeUp, and also coordinates Coalition of Civil Society for Citizens’ Action Against Covid-19.

Hashim’s participation in projects increases value for impacts. He is an outstanding strategy designer for outreaches, online and offline. With his strong network and collaboration, he creates huge impacts in strengthening democratic institutions, including rule of law, and respect for human rights.

The most notable feature of Mr. Hashim Haruna is his desire for hard work. He is a man of his words. He is committed to building a better Arewa using his expertise, skills, influence and resources. He believes that our work in ADSI truly foreruns the emergence of the great Arewa of our dream, which explains why he is a devoted ADSIAN, committed to the evolution of strides that will transform northern Nigeria. From his humble strides in Jigawa, he could reach America to tell the story of his success. This is a great milestone for ADSI and Arewa at large. It is true that our greatness as a people is in our hands. The Almighty has given us gifts of all kinds. What we do with those gifts is our choice. This is why ADSI attracts great minds like Hashim. You too, can join ADSI, and help us build the Arewa of our dreams. Those pockets of selfless services for the betterment of our region can guarantee a future we are proud of. Join ADSI today.

Pokyes Kavwam
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