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Arewa’s Bloom of hope

You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.

Michelle Obama

Bilkisu Muhammed, a graduate of Mass Communications from the Bayero University Kano, a life coach and mental health first aider/advocate, shines through the pages of memoirs as an immeasurable candour of the divine gift of God to mankind. As a certified inside out paradigm coach, certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, Performance Consultant and Trainer, certified marriage counsellor, purpose and potential discovery specialist, and a professional member of the Chartered Institute of Corporate Mentoring and Coaching Nigeria, her marks in time will ring through ages to come.

Driven by the passion to help others find their footing in the murky waters of life, she has in the last few years, been committed to one on one coaching, counselling and or mentoring, premarital/marriage counselling, training and mental health first aid; through her psychotherapy company: The Placid Place. To also help women rediscover their innate peace and confidence, she co-founded Prime Woman to organize workshops tailored to meet the emotional needs of women. As the President, Coal to Diamond Support Network, an NGO she founded with four other like-minds, which supports Muslim families to attain emotional stability, her ace healing room (a safe and non-judgemental space where women come to unburden and get support) has become the succour of several Muslim women in northern Nigeria.

Given her desire to help people manage their emotions, build resilience through life’s stresses and challenges while transforming their lives, she has aided and supported her clients by structuring and delivering customized programs, which have pulled off hundreds of lives from the brink of emotional catastrophe.

To remain at the cutting edge of her work and services to humanity, she is consistently learning, unlearning and relearning. This commitment to self-reinvention has unlocked fountains of virtues, capacities and competencies; which have metamorphosed her life into an edifice of charm, wisdom and acute intelligence. She has thus helped so many women to rediscover themselves, appreciate their worth and innate strength and also improve their relationships with their families.

Further to that, it is no longer news that Northern Nigeria has one of the highest divorce rates in West Africa. Thankfully, Bilkisu’s strides in premarital counselling, which clarify core marital issues before marriage, have brought stability to many newlyweds in the last few years. Indeed, in no distant time, her commitment to helping prospective couples contributes to changing the narrative on divorce for Northern Nigeria.

As a young upwardly mobile Arewan dedicated to helping people rediscover themselves to lead fulfilling lives, she believes that as humans, we are all innately good. We have different strengths and weaknesses. Nonetheless, when we focus on appreciating one other, while sharing love, support and kindness; we will have a better world.

Speaking on why she joined ADSI, she says: “I love the initiative. It gives so many people the opportunity to give back with as little as N2, 000. I think it is a beautiful idea and opportunity for people to take responsibility in the littlest way they can. I joined ADSI to give back to the society and help build and develop the capacities and competencies of Northern Nigeria. Adding value to one’s community is also part of being mentally healthy, which I’m already passionate about.”

As such, Bilkisu, a happily married woman and a mother of four; since joining ADSI, has been a voice of hope and comfort. As the current PRO of ADSI Bauchi Chapter, she is giving in her best for a better Arewa. As one who inspires hope in her clients, day in and out, her contributions to ADSI have enriched our collective journey to that Arewa we all will be proud of. It is for great Arewans like Bilkisu that Arewa will over time, become the prime place of greatness, progress and stability.

Indeed, the recent threats to our lives, witnessed in the weeklong loss of lives in Kaduna State, in the last week of March, 2022,  again reminds us of why we must be at the fore front, building the region in every way. Nobody can make it happen if we do nothing about it. You too can join Bilkisu Mohammed and hundreds of Arewans like her to rid the region of religious and ethnic extremism, terrorism, banditry, drug abuse and all other vices that have turned the place we call, home; into a hell-hole. We can change the narrative. We can make Arewa great again!

Pokyes Kavwam
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5 Responses

  1. Arewa has great persons and Bilkisu is one of such. Her are of competence will go a great length in bringing about the Change we need in arewa. Good mental health of a woman and a happy and a stable home is the beginning of a great nation. Kudu to you bilkisu, great arewan.

  2. Arewa has great persons and Bilkisu is one of such. Her are of competence will go a great length in bringing about the Change we need in arewa. Good mental health of a woman and a happy and a stable home is the beginning of a great nation. Kudu to you bilkisu, great arewan.

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